Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Valerio Basile: Area chair for Information Retrieval at CLiC-it 2016.

Elena Cabrio: Area chair (Semantics for applications). The Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2016).

Scientific co-chair. Dagstuhl Seminar on Natural Language Argumentation: Mining, Processing, and Reasoning over Textual Arguments, 2016.

Fabien Gandon: co-chair and organizer of the Q4APS (Question Answering And Activity Analysis in Participatory Sites) Workshop at WWW (https://project.inria.fr/q4aps2016/).

Catherine Faron-Zucker: co-chair of the ESWC2016 workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage (SW4SH 2016),

co-chair of the first scientific day of the Inria Learning Lab, November 16th,

scientific chair of the Inria-Industry meeting (R2I) on Ed-Tech, December 1st.

Serena Villata: Chair together with Elena Cabrio, Graeme Hirst and Adam Wyner of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Mining, Processing, and Reasoning over Textual Arguments (Dagstuhl Seminar 16161), April 17-22, 2016. Local chair of the 29th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2016), December 14-16, 2016.

Member of the Organizing Committees

Valerio Basile: local organizer for JURIX 2016 and for the SENTIPOLC challenge at EVALITA 2016.

Elena Cabrio: 6th Open Challenge on Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-6), ESWC 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Catherine Faron-Zucker: PC co-chair of the 22th Int. Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2016).

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Valerio Basile: *SEM , PEOPLES workshop at COLING, EACL 2017, WebNLG workshop at INLG, ESWC, EKAW, ICRA, CLiC-it, MIREL workshop at JURIX, DSAA, AIC workshop at BICA.

Michel Buffa: Web Audio Conference (WAC), ESWC, ISWC, WWW demo W3C track, Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces (SWCS) workshop.

Elena Cabrio: Association for Computational Linguistics conference (ACL, EACL), the Computational Linguistics conference (COLING), and the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC).

Olivier Corby: Arima, EKAW, GraphQ, IC, ICCS, MoreBI, Top-K Shortest Path in Large Typed RDF Graphs Challenge at ESWC.

Catherine Faron-Zucker: ESWC (European Semantic Web Conference), ISWC (Int. Semantic Web Conference, P&D), WebEd (WWW Workshop on Web Science and Technology for Education), Q4APS2016 (WWW Workshop on Question Answering And Activity Analysis in Participatory Sites), EKM (EKAW workshop on Educational Knowledge Management), ISW-LOD (Int. Workshop on Semantic Web and Linked Open Data), CNIA (Conf. Nationale d'Intelligence Artificielle), IC (Ingénierie des Connaissances), EGC 2017 (Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances).

Fabien Gandon: IJCAI , ISWC (Senior PC), WWW , WebScience (Senior PC), ESWC, FOIS, IC, Semantics, SemWeb.Pro, CNIA (Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle), Diversity-Aware AI Workshop at ECAI, EGC, Journée Intelligence Artificielle et Big Data (http://bigia2016.irisa.fr/).

Alain Giboin is member of the steering committee of the COOP conference series (International Conferences on the Design of Cooperative Systems). He is also member of the program committee of: COOP, ESWC (In-use & Industrial Track), IC, SEMANTICS (Research Track), SEMANTICS (Posters and Demos), UBIMOB, WebSci.

Isabelle Mirbel: 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE), IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science.

Alexandre Monnin: WWW, ESWC, SWASH (ESWC workshop), WebSci, IC.

Oscar Rodríguez Rocha: KEOD, KSE

Andrea Tettamanzi: ECG 2017, ESWC, FLAIRS-29, FUZZ-IEEE, IC, LREC, MOD, PPSN, and SAC 2017 conferences, SW4SH workshop of ESWC.

Serena Villata: IJCAI, AAAI, JURIX.


Olivier Corby: ESWC, ISWC, WWW, EGC.

Isabelle Mirbel: ESWC.

Alain Giboin: ISWC, WWW, IHM.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Catherine Faron-Zucker: Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, special issue "Ingénierie des Connaissances".

Fabien Gandon:

  • Editor of the special issue of the Semantic Web Journal for best papers at ESWC 2015.

  • Special issue RIA, Revue d’intelligence artificielle, Analyse intelligente des réseaux sociaux, volume 30, n. 4/2016.

Nhan Le Thanh: Journal of Science and Technology, Da Nang University- Issue on Information and Communications Technology.

Isabelle Mirbel: Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (Hermès).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Valerio Basile: Language and Cognition (published by Cambridge University Press), Computer Speech & Language, Interacting with Computers.

Olivier Corby: Semantic Web Journal.

Catherine Faron-Zucker: Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), Journal of Web Science, ACM's Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO).

Nhan Le Thanh: Journal of Science and Technology, Da Nang University- Issue on Information and Communications Technology.

Isabelle Mirbel: Neurocomp journal.

Alexandre Monnin: Minds and Machines, Big Data and Society, Revue d'intelligence artificielle.

Andrea Tettamanzi: Evolutionary Intelligence, Soft COmputing (SOCO).

Serena Villata: Journal of Logic and Computation, Argument & Computation, Artificial Intelligence.

Invited Talks

Valerio Basile: University of Turin, Building a default knowledge base of objects (and other stories of robots), November 16th.

Michel Buffa:

WWW 2016 W3C Track: HTML5 games, When your browser becomes a game console! Coding games for the Web + Demo of a HTML5 game developed by students in the first session of the W3Cx HTML5 Part 2 MOOC.

Discussion on the future of Web games development using HTML5, special off-conference HTML5 gaming meetup (chair and co-organizer), WWW 2016 Conference, April 13, Montreal, Canada.

AmpSim2, un simulateur d'amplificateur de guitare en Web Audio, Paris Audio #3, September 7, IRCAM.

Michel Buffa, Thierry Bergeron: "Le projet AZKAR : navigation d'un robot mobile temps réel à travers le Web en P2P avec l'API WebRTC", Conférence Blend WebMix 2016, November 2 & 3, Lyon, France.

Elena Cabrio: Bielefeld University, Germany, ”Argument mining: our story so far”, June 20th.

Catherine Faron-Zucker: Invited research Talk, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF- DGE), September 23rd.

Fabien Gandon:

  • Keynote speaker for the conference Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2016) titled "One Web of pages, One Web of peoples, One Web of Services, One Web of Data, One Web of Things... and with the Semantic Web bind them.", June 14th;

  • Joint keynote speaker for the International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2016) and International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2016) titled "On the many graphs of the Web and the interest of adding their missing links.", July 7th;

  • CafeLecture - Atelier de lecture transdisciplinaire - Learning Centre SophiaTech, Regards Croisés. "Dans l'esprit du Pagerank : regards croisés sur les algorithmes".

Alain Giboin (with Agnès Festré, GREDEG) gave a talk on ”Nudges, Affordances et conception d’artefacts” in ”Regards croisés” Seminar at Sophia Antipolis Campus.

Alexandre Monnin:

National interLabex symposium "Excellence in Smart Systems" (Besançon), November 17th.

Roundtable as part of the Economique numérique summer school - 3EN (Nice), May 31st.

Master Miage to deliver a talk entitled ”La philosophie à partir de l’architecture du Web” (Sophia Antipolis), March 9th.

Hypertopic seminar of Tech-Cico (UTT, Troyes, online presentation), March 21st.

Emilie Palagi:

A presentation in FORUM SPARKS seminar on the evaluation and design of the explanation features of the exploratory search system Discovery Hub, March 1st.

A presentation in Axis-2 of the ”Maison des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (MSHS) du Sud-Est (Nice)" : ”Exploratory search system and user centered evaluation method”, March 14th.

A presentation of Palagi’s PhD Subject in a new cycle of seminars on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and UX Design called ”les lundis de l’ergonomie”, October 10th.

”Journée rencontre Inria Industrie” in Lille: A demo of Discovery Hub and the presentation of an ongoing work on the design of a user centered evaluation method of exploratory search systems, November 25th.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Alexandre Monnin organizes a seminar with Lise Arena (UNS, GREDEG) and Bernard Conein (UNS, GREDEG), between Inria and MSHS, entitled "Digital artifacts and materialities". International researchers such as Jérôme Denis (http://mshs.unice.fr/?p=6799) (Mines ParisTech), Paul Smart (Southampton) (http://mshs.unice.fr/?p=6725), Michael Wheeler (Stirling), David Kirsh (San Diego) (http://mshs.unice.fr/?p=6908), Yuk Hui (Lüneburg) (http://mshs.unice.fr/?p=7644) and Brian Cantwell Smith (Toronto) participated in the seminar this year.

Alexandre Monnin and Manuel Boutet (UNS, GREDEG) organize the "ateliers de lecture transdisciplinaires" of UCA, hosted by SophiaTech learning centre and later redubbed "Regards croisés" (5 sessions took place, all organized by Alexandre Monnin, with Lise Arena and Fabien Gandon, Alexandre Monnin et Bernard Conein, Ali Douai et Gabriel Plassat, Nathalie Oriol and François Bremond, Alain Giboin and Agnès Festré). The regards croisés have been chosen to be recorded and archived on a future UCA portal and YouTube channel.

Alexandre Monnin participated to the invitation of Brian Cantwell Smith to a Morgenstern colloquium at Inria Sophia Antipolis, December 8th. Alexandre Monnin is extending Brian Cantwell Smith's stay for the Morgenstern Colloquium thanks to fundings provided by the MSHS. Two workshops will be organized around him on Dec. 12th and 13th at the MSHS in Nice in addition to the PhiloWeb day on the 14th.

Alexandre Monnin organized a PhiloWeb conference with B.C. Smith and Harry Halpin,

Alexandre Monnin participated in two events as part of the Transition2 initiative set up by Inria and FING. In January, he created the W3C Community Group "Web We Can Afford" whose goal is to discuss the future of the Web at the time of the Anthropocene (https://www.w3.org/community/wwca/).

”Les lundis de l’ergonomie” is a new cycle of seminars on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and UX Design. Organized by Emilie Palagi and Louise Chaussade, this multidisciplinary series of talks may attract academic and professional profiles but also anyone interested in social science’s approach to digital matters. Two presentations took place in October (with Emilie Palagi and Louise Chaussade) and December (Patrice Pena).

Scientific Expertise

Elena Cabrio was reviewer for French ANR projects.

Olivier Corby was reviewer for Atlanstic 2020 (Pays de la Loire) project submission.

Catherine Faron-Zucker is the scientific reference of the Inria Learning Lab.

Catherine Faron-Zucker reviewed project proposals for the Academic Research Community (ARC) 6 of Rhône Alpes Region.

Research Administration

Michel Buffa is director of the MIAGE of Nice Sophia Antipolis, composed of Licence, Master 1 and four Master 2 diplomas with about 350 students (http://miage.unice.fr). He is member of the OpenMiage committee that aims at proposing an online version of the whole MIAGE cursus.

Olivier Corby is member of the PostDoc Inria Sophia committee.

Catherine Faron-Zucker is General Treasurer of the French Society for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA).

She was member of the 2016 recruitment committee of Telecom Saint Etienne, University Jean Monnet.

She coordinates the Web option of the 5th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school and is in charge of continuous training for the computer science department of Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis.

Fabien Gandon is:

  • representative of Inria at W3C consortium.

  • representative of Inria in the Web Science Trust Network.

  • member of the Steering Committee of the Scientific Board of Inria Sophia Antipolis (Bureau CP).

  • member of the scientific committee of the Labex UCN.

  • member of the Scientific Committee academy 1 of IDEX.

  • member of the Steering Committee academy 5 of IDEX.

  • member of ESWC Steering committee.

  • member of IW3C2 Steering committee for WWW conference series.

Alain Giboin serves as scientific correspondent for Inria Sophia of COERLE (Inria Comité Opérationnel d’Evaluation des Risques Légaux et Ethiques), in tandem with the legal correspondent Nadège Camelio-Laurent. Alain Giboin is member of the Commission ”Médiation et Animation des MAthématiques, des Sciences et Techniques Informatiques et des Communications” (MASTIC) of Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée.

Nhan Le Thanh is Animator of a multidisciplinary Idex working group "Connected Healthcare and well Aging INnovative Services" (CHAINS) at UNS. He is animator of a multidisciplinary join working group (TRT eHealth), UNS and Da Nang University, on the themes of IoT services for eHealth and smart city. He is coordinator of the bilateral scientific cooperation program NiceCampus between UNS and Da Nang University. He is director of the computer science department, IUT, UNS.

Isabelle Mirbel is Vice Dean of Science Department at University Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Andrea Tettamanzi is coordinator of the 3rd year of the Licence in Business Informatics (MIAGE) at the UFR Science of the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS). He is co-animator, together with Johan Montagnat (I3S), of the SPARKS team who hosts Wimmics at I3S.